Sunday, January 27, 2013

Our Homeschool Schoolroom

One of my favorite places in our home is our schoolroom!  I love how it feels and looks.  I love how my kids have a special place that is just for school.  I love watching the boys in the schoolroom working on puzzles on the floor at night.  I just love everything about it!

While I understand that it is not possible for everyone to have a schoolroom in their house and some people who homeschool do not feel the need for one, we love having ours and see its many benefits!

When the boys enter our schoolroom, it is time for school.  They are now in a learning environment with little distraction.  They each have their own space to do their work and they love helping me decorate their areas.  When we decided to take L out of public school and homeschool him, he was very sad he wasn't going to be in a fun classroom anymore.  I decided to do what I could to fulfill that need for him and he is now very happy with his very own room (that he shares with his bro of course ;-)

I LOVE seeing other homeschoolers' schoolrooms and how they have it set up, so here are some pictures of our room!  

Here is L's part of the school room!  There is a large whiteboard behind the map!  His desk is in the middle of the room.

Here is B's corner!!  He has his own comfy chair :-)

Reading corner!!!

I wanted to show our bookshelf (it is actually a room divider bookshelf, very sturdy)-- one of my homeschool mommy friends had blocked off the doorway between her schoolroom and dining room with a bookshelf and I thought that was brilliant!!  I did it too and now I do not have runaways during our school time ;-)

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