Friday, October 5, 2012

Why a Homeschooling Blog?

Well, frankly I have so much to share about our daily life as a homeschooling family!!  I love reading other HS family blogs to get ideas and to relate... I figured, I can share what we do and maybe help others who are homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling.

When we first decided to pull our son out of public school and try homeschooling, I was very nervous about how I was going to "socialize" him.  I quickly learned that there are so many groups, co-ops and activities to join, that it is hard to decided on what to do.

I consider ourselves a very active and social family.  During the week my first grader is involved with Lego League on Mondays, choir (and right now soccer practice) on Tuesdays, gym class on Wednesdays and field trips with our group one to two times a week.  So, I pretty much laugh at people who say homeschoolers are "unsocial."  Not true- period!  We are actually busier and more social now, then we have been since the kids were born.

We use Sonlight for our curriculum and absolutely love it!  We are currently using Core B (First Grade) and my son is so into history and science!!  We have been discussing archeology and today he wanted to go to the river to see if he could find and "discoveries" like we read about!  We did and he found one.
We did some research- Trilobite or Shell??

I can not wait to share more about our daily life as Happy Active Homeschoolers :-)